Jeannette Rivera (Juh-Net Ree-ver-uh), (They/She) is an Afro-Taino-Borikua currently servicing the world from Pocumptuc and Nipmuc land, known today as Chicopee, MA. Jeannette is a dream weaver, community connector, anchor, creative evolutionary thinker who is actively practicing compassionate community accountability & care through art, economic development, non-partisan political work, collective/individual actions, education, and conversations. Liberation through joy, healing, and creativity is at the heart of their work, and as a first-generation graduate of UMass Amherst with a B.A. in Anthropology, and a liberatee from past sexual assault, it is important for Jeannette to meld their love of people & diverse cultures into the way they organize, create and heal. Among their many volunteer commitments, Jeannette currently serves as the Chair of the Chicopee Cultural Council, is an elected member of the Mass Dem State Committee (DSC), The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) officer for the Chicopee Dems, and board member and Secretary of Neighbor to Neighbor Massachusetts. Jeannette currently services the emotional and social development of youth from across Hampton County as a full time facilitator with Girls Inc. of the Valley.

Board Secretary