Our environment is where we live, work and play.
It’s the air we breathe and the water we drink.
It’s the condition of our apartment, the vacant lot on our block, and the climate we all share.
It’s possible to build a world where everyone lives in a safe and healthy climate and environment, whether you’re Black, white, or brown, immigrant or lifelong local, and no matter how much money you have.
But we know the way things are going isn’t working. A system that focuses on extraction – extraction of labor, of natural resources, of profit at all costs – is not going to be a system that protects our people and our planet.
Lynn and Worcester regularly experience climate-induced flooding. Springfield, home to dirty industry that pollutes the air we breathe, has been again and again named the asthma capital of the U.S.
Lynn and Worcester regularly experience climate-induced flooding. Springfield, home to dirty industry that pollutes the air we breathe, has been again and again named the asthma capital of the U.S.
Our goal is to put our members into the driver’s seat on decisions that impact our environment.
We believe in a new way of doing things. We believe in a transition to a healthier, more just Massachusetts. We believe in putting our people and planet above profit.