The Renters’ Rally is happening today! Can you make a call to the mayor’s office and then meet us outside City Hall?
When you’re a renter, your home is in the hands of your landlord.
That can be a problem when your landlord is a massive corporation that cares more about maximizing profits than your family’s wellbeing.
Holyoke Mayor Joshua Garcia committed to creating a committee that would explore building out an Office of Tenant Protections so renters have somewhere to turn when landlords fail.
We need to show Mayor Garcia that there really is a need for an Office of Tenant Protections, and now.
Step 1: Make the Call (11-3PM)
Make a phone call to Mayor Joshua Garcia.
Dial (413) 322-5510, then press 0 to be connected directly to the Mayor’s office.
“Hi my name is (_____). I’m calling to leave a message for Mayor Garcia. I want him to create and implement an Office of Tenant Protections. This office would…”
[Pick one of the following reasons.]
- This office would create and keep safe homes for 64% of the residents in Holyoke.
- This office would create a public registry of who owns our home, and allow renters to know who is actually responsible to maintain safe and sanitary conditions.
- This office would fill in the gap from statewide protections and what it’s actually like to be a tenant.
- This office would create a proactive approach to maintaining safe conditions to the benefit of both renters and property owners.
“Holyokers need an office of tenant protections. Can you pass that message along?”
Step 2: Renters’ Rally (4PM)
Join us outside Holyoke City Hall to rally for tenants’ rights. It’s time to make an Office of Tenant Protections real in Holyoke. Thanks for taking action.