• Environmental Justice Webinar

    The resources our donors contribute to Neighbor to Neighbor are essential to our fight for a better world, so we’re excited to create a space where we share with you the …

  • 50 to D.C.!

    Neighbor to Neighbor members are headed to the People’s Action Founding Convention in D.C. on April 23-25, 2017 to mark the 100 days of the Trump administration. The only question …


    Mayor Sarno fails to protect all of Springfield citizens, caves in to Trump regime’s bullying and blackmail and gives in to the politics of fear, hatred and division. In these …

  • NEIGHBOR TO NEIGHBOR IN THE NEWS: N2N’s Jafet Robles Interviewed by MassLive about the Jobs Not Jails Coalition

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7g2aOnwwZ0Video can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Jafet Robles (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7g2aOnwwZ0)

  • Frame Shift. Then Power Shift.

    via www.barrfoundation.org: Elena Letona, executive director of Neighbor to Neighbor (and a 2005 Barr Fellow), shares lessons learned from an old, industrial city in western Massachusetts, where community members, labor groups, …

  • Energy to power 1,000 Holyoke homes coming from new $10 million Mount Tom Solar Farm

    via MassLive.com: The $10 million Mount Tom Solar Farm with 17,208 panels will be installed by late December beside a now-closed coal-burning plant on Northampton Street with energy to power …

  • Activists to party after solar-farm groundbreaking at former coal plant in Holyoke

    via MassLive: HOLYOKE — Activists who pushed for years to end the coal-burning operation at the Mount Tom Power Station based on health concerns are so happy the plant owner …